The Greatest Inventions – One of the curious facts about Lee Kuan Yew, the extraordinary “father” of the Singapore nation who has just died, is that when asked what he thought was the greatest invention of the 20th century, he replied: “The airconditioner.” [Read more…] about What Were the Greatest Inventions?
JCSE ICT skills survey places the spotlight on South Africa
Wits University’s Joburg Centre for Software Engineering (JCSE) has today launched its sixth consecutive skills trends survey in the South African information and communications technology (ICT) sector. With an objective to identify the most pressing skills needs from South African corporates, obtain a balanced view of current skills capacities of practitioners, and identify future intentions for skills development, the 2014 JCSE ICT Skills Survey outlines how the state of the South African economy is depressing the demand for ICT skills. [Read more…] about JCSE ICT skills survey places the spotlight on South Africa
Slenky Provides Fun and Opportunities
Social networking site Slenky is taking an innovative, digital approach to addressing young people in Britain’s concerns about money, unemployment, lack of opportunities and cuts to education. [Read more…] about Slenky Provides Fun and Opportunities